Meet Francis, a social innovator in Arusha, Tanzania who is changing the future of energy in his community.

The digester under this dirt supports a school and community center in Arusha.

It is fed by cows, pigs, and goats who are part of a social enterprise to support their community work.

The captured gas is used to power this clean-burning stove.

Look at that flame!

The new clean energy source replaces this wood-burning stove, which created a toxic air quality.

The byproduct ends up here in this tank, and can be used and sold as a powerful fertilizer.

And here is the next digester under construction, in Engikaret.

Francis and his team dug straight through rock with nothing but hand tools.

Bit by backbreaking bit, they persevered…

And their hard work has paid off!

“No firewood was used today in Engikaret,” Francis wrote. “The staff enjoyed this biogas for the first time!”

Who knew that something so small could be the result of so much hard work? And this is only the beginning. As Francis says, “Tomorrow the marathon continues!”