Heike Drechsler

“What I love about Loom’s work is the finding and accompanying of leaders in East Africa whose concerns, visions and projects are geared towards the well-being of the community. The way you meet and perceive people, live friendships, help, accompany, organize and develop ideas, your faith and trust,  the respectful interaction with each other and…

Bettina Wagener

“What I love about Loom’s work is that they only support and promote projects that are started by local people. Together with them, Loom considers how they can provide meaningful and targeted support. This is done with great mutual appreciation.”

Nissi Undurthi

“I am fascinated by stories I hear, stories of people, the choices people have, and the decisions they make with them. I heard about Loom from a mutual friend, and what interested me most was Loom’s grassroots approach in lifting vulnerable communities of the world out of poverty through the involvement of their own community…

Jessica Resendiz

“My internship as a Field Project Researcher allowed me to develop my research skills and really dig into my education in order to evaluate the information in way that contributed to the holistic and locally-led development goals of Loom. I was challenged by the amount of autonomy that I was given in research, and through…

Jenna Funkhouser

“I became interested in Loom because of their relationship with the Local Expert and their focus on interdependent relationships on the field. The more I volunteered with them and heard the stories of the incredible people they partnered with, the more I wanted to be a part of their vision. I’ve learned so much about…

Elisa Buttler

“I chose [to intern with] Loom because I knew from a member working there what they are doing and I really liked their vision. At the time, I was working towards my Master’s of Business Administration in Germany. I have learned how my Studies and NPO’s can belong together. My absolute highlight was my marketing…

Mirjam Eisenhardt

“The Woven trip for me was full with very deep feelings, thankfulness and the knowledge that God takes care of everybody and that he remembers every single one of his children. I learned that if we are going to help others we have to listen and talk to them, be there with them and start…