Peace and Reconciliation in an Age of Polarization

Lotet Julius is a Social Innovator working in Northern Uganda among refugees fleeing South Sudan. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they saw greatly increased incidents of violence erupt among the camps. This caused them to create the Reconciliation Gate Foundation, which promotes grassroots reconciliation, peace and development.  Here is Lotet’s story, in his own words: Among…

“This teaching has changed me”: Celebrating Children Seminars

“This teaching has changed me.”  Over and over again, this is the feedback that Celebrating Children Workshop (CCW) Alumni are hearing as they run their own seminars across East Africa. Since October 2020, 16 facilitators have successfully launched 28 seminars in various locations in East Africa.  These 16 facilitators have trained 1311 beneficiaries – pastors,…

“We could never have had this kind of impact”: Leveraging Local Expertise in CCW Multiplication

When looking back over this past winter, it’s not hard to see how the math adds up.  In 2019, Loom had begun conversations with leaders in Uganda who wanted to co-host a Celebrating Children Workshop (CCW) in 2020. As we talked further about a CCW Uganda, everyone agreed that 70 participants was the maximum number…

“Moving from Unknowns to “Aha!” – Highlights from Six Months of Small Business

As the six-month incubation period of Vuka small businesses comes to a close, we asked both Loom coaches and business owners what their highlights from this new initiative were.    “Moving from an unknown stage to a ‘Aha!’ That is my experience with coaching my clients. I grew in my ability to be an active…

What Has Always Remained True: A Look Back on the CCW After Ten Years

Ten years ago, a small team of international trainers walked up a red clay path and entered a classroom in Kigali, Rwanda. Inside sat fifty pastors, teachers, caregivers, Sunday school leaders, and nonprofit workers who would become the first-ever participants of the Celebrating Children Workshop.  The month-long workshop was the product of two and a…